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National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE), New Delhi

National Council for Teachers Education (NCTE), Northern Regional Committee, Jaipur

Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur

Privacy Policy

You can visit the website of the institutions ARam Chandra Upadhyay Mahavidyalaya Bhatparrani, Deoria , Uttar Pradesh, without revealing any personal information. However, for making Fee payments from the Fee Payment portal, you are required to register with your ward’s admission number & name, your name, mobile number & email address, so as to receive login credentials for fees payment to the institution.

We will not sell or disclose your (or your ward’s) personal information to any third party for commercial purpose, and such information will be used only for the purpose of acknowledging the receipt of payment of fees from you. Furthermore, we may disclose this information to our officials and our institution Accounts staff, only for the purpose of reconciliation of payment received.

Our web server may record the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using, in addition to the information about your browser, operating system, date/time of access and page accessed. We may use this information to administer and improve our fee payment portal and to generate MIS reports.

This privacy policy may be revised from time to time, and will be duly updated online.

Contact Address
Plot No. /Khesra No.- 210, 209ME, 358ME, Village-Dhanauty, Bhatparrani, Deoria, Uttar Pradesh

E-Mail: contact@rcum.org

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Bhatparrani, Deoria , Uttar Pradeshh. All Rights Reserved
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